Izzi Broadband

Izzi Broadband - iZZiyou

Finally, after months of calling TM and cursing the Streamyx connectivity, I gave up on TM Streamyx. I've had enough of calling them everytime I see the DSL light blinking or went off. But I'll still use my Streamyx though, just that I won't be really bothered in case my Streamyx network goes down. So, for the time being, say hello to Izzi - Mobile Wireless Broadband! I bought the Izziyou package (USB terminal package, 1Mbp & 12 months limited warranty).

Note that Izzi Broadband is currently available in Klang Valley area and according to the salesperson, Taipan USJ, KLCC and its surrounding area tops the list in terms of best coverage. Click here for Izzi's coverage map. The sales guy also told me, "Sini Subang, TM tak bleh pakai, so kita promote sini la cari makan!" Yeah, I can't agree more with him. Streamyx in Subang is really terrible.

So, what do I think after using it for 3 hours now? Looks good so far. Let's see how it goes in the next couple of days.


lizzy j said…
izzi-yan broadband!
amicus curiae said…
so far my area ok..tho sometimes mmg weng,dont know fo how long.mana tau ive to resort to izzi,so pls let us know ah.