Chronology of Anwar Ibrahim's September 16 news headlines from TheStar , Malaysiakini and etc, from April to date. The Star, April 23 2008 - Anwar: Pakatan Rakyat can take over Fed Govt by Sept 16 (The first bullshit headline) The Star, April 24, 2008 - Anwar: We have the numbers, however, we’re in no rush to replace Barisan The Star, Friday April 25, 2008 - Anwar: We want to rule with stability “I do not want a three or four simple majority. We need a comfortable majority because stability (of the government) is paramount,” “They say there is no way the Barisan Dayak or Kadazan MPs will desert us (Barisan). We will see. The surprise will be coming, maybe in August,” he added. (Bullshit lah Dato' Seri. It is now September already) The Star, Thursday July 3, 2008 - Azmin: Anwar will be PM by Sept 16 (How to be PM by Sept 16?? Parlimen tak bersidang. Macam mana nak angkat sumpah. How?) The Star, July 16 2008 - PKR : Anwar arrest made to thwart our plans (Bullshit lah. What ...