
‘Erasure’: Netflix succumbs to Zionist lobby pressure, removes Palestinian films - PressTV

 My tweet on Netflix's removal of Palestinian films was quoted by the Iranian media, Press TV (28 October 2024). "X user Shahnon Salleh also said the removal of films that depict the everyday experiences of Palestinians living under apartheid and occupation is preventing viewers from gaining a more nuanced understanding of the Palestinian perspective. He slammed Netflix for the decision, warning that the remaining Palestine-related films available on the platform portray Palestinians in a negative light and perpetuate harmful stereotypes of Palestinians as “terrorists.” “Films that show the day-to-day realities of the Apartheid and the occupation, like ‘The Present’ are now gone,” he wrote. “What’s worse is the fact that the only Palestinian-related films still available on Netflix are those that portray them as terrorists. Netflix is complicit,” he added. Full story: ‘Erasure’: Netflix succumbs to Zionist lobby pressure, removes Palestinian films

'Dasar kerajaan mesra penjawat awam tambat hati polis, tentera di KKB' - Malaysiakini

 Ulasan di  Malaysiakini : "Bagi penganalisis politik dari Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Shahnon Mohamed Salleh, pengumuman kenaikan gaji penjawat awam setinggi 13 peratus telah menarik hati mereka untuk bersama kerajaan. Shahnon berkata, Menteri Dalam Negeri, Saifuddin Nasution Ismail turut komited dalam menjaga kebajikan polis seperti menaik taraf kuarters kediaman, balai polis & prasarana lain." Laporan penuh:  'Dasar kerajaan mesra penjawat awam tambat hati polis, tentera di KKB'

Bersatu membership dispute will have little impact on Anwar's majority, say experts

 Coverage from the New Straits Times . KUALA LUMPUR: Any decision on the membership of the six Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) members of parliament will not affect the majority enjoyed by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's administration, said experts. They said even if by-elections were called and Anwar's administration lost the six seats held by Bersatu, he would still maintain a comfortable majority. Universiti Teknologi Mara political analyst Shahnon Mohamed Salleh said the six constituencies were also considered "trivial" from Pakatan Harapan's point of view if it didn't win them. "So it's a small bump in the road for the prime minister and there'd be little impact." Full report: Bersatu membership dispute will have little impact on Anwar's majority, say experts

GE15: Temperatures set to rise - The Star

 Media coverage from The Star "Political parties will know today how much, or how little time they have to resolve the most critical issue before nomination day – selecting their candidates. Universiti Teknologi Mara’s Shahnon Mohamed Salleh said that after the dates are announced, candidates and seat negotiations will continue right up to the night before nomination day. “Completing their election manifesto will be another priority as they will need the document ready for the campaign,” said the School of Communication and Media College of Computing, Informatics and Media lecturer. Full report:  Temperatures set to rise (The Star)

What Budget 2023 has to offer - The Star

 Media coverage from The Star: "Malaysians, say political observers, are looking forward to seeing what is in store for them and what the coalition government under Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob has got to offer in Budget 2023. “This is perhaps the first time that there are people who are more interested in waiting for the Prime Minister’s Parliament dissolution announcement than the Budget itself. “The fact that the Budget was brought forward earlier to Oct 7 is a strong indicator as well as the Umno supreme council meeting concluding that GE15 must be held this year,” said Universiti Teknologi MARA’s (UiTM) Faculty of Communication and Media Studies senior lecturer Shahnon Mohamed Salleh. " There were several key observations for Budget 2023, including that the economic forecast and global outlook for 2023 would generally be gloomy, said Shahnon . “So I expect the government to address these challenges and at the same time, balance fiscal constraints and pe...

Presidential Election, Polls and the Pandemic

So it's less than 48 hours away to the US presidential election 2020. Trump or Biden? In a "normal" presidential election, pre-Trump era, a 10-point lead in a final poll is nothing but a foregone conclusion. Game over. Khalas. But to quote John Kasich, former Ohio Republican-governor-turned-Biden-supporter, "these are not normal times." Nobody is taking the polls as seriously as before, especially after what happened in 2016. The polls are no longer as reliable or as believable as they used to be. Joe Biden could very well win the popular vote but end up losing the electoral college, just like Hillary four years ago and Al Gore in 2000. But 2020 is not 2016 . The Covid19 pandemic has shattered America's "invincible" image and exposed the failure of Trump's leadership. I mean, how do you explain statements like, "I take full responsibility, but it's not my fault"? That is "fascinatingly" one of the most Trumpi...

Anwar Ibrahim's "16 September 2.0": Pipe Dream or Gimmick?

Coverage from Utusan Malaysia on Anwar Ibrahim's "16 September 2.0" plan: "Dakwaan Anwar Sama Kes 2009 di Perak" - 24 September 2020 "KUALA LUMPUR: Dakwaan Presi­den PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mempunyai asas yang jelas untuk tidak menunjukkan akuan bersumpah ahli-ahli parlimen yang bersama beliau bagi membentuk kerajaan baharu selagi belum menghadap Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah. Ini kerana situasi yang berlaku pada 23 September lalu itu sama seperti krisis politik di Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Perak pada 2009 yang menyorot kejatuhan pentadbiran Pakatan Rakyat (PR) terdiri daripada DAP, PKR dan Pas setelah menyokong Barisan Nasional (BN). Penganalisis politik Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Shah Alam, Shahnon Mohamed Salleh berkata, tidak dinafikan dalam mana-mana sistem demokrasi dan berperlembagaan, sebarang perkara berkenaan undi majoriti perlu disuarakan di Parlimen. Bagaimanapun, katanya, jika menyin...